Not all the choices I made were they fans of, but they loved me past my selfish ways. Sometimes the path to learning to be selfless hurts those we love the most. So for those who are not pictured here - You are STILL very much loved by me and you know who YOU are. Thank you for loving me past my shortcoming and encouraging me to grow in a heart like His <3
Two of my favorite little love bugs! These two teach me the value of Love and patience. It's my desire to be a better woman... I am trying you two. I am a work in process! You two have my heart always.
I love you!

Thank you for encouraging me to grow to be a better stepmom all around. It's been such a blessing to be part of your life... the best gift in the destruction of divorce. I love you two!
Thank you to the Godly man of my life... Thank you for accepting me as I am. I desire to be a better wife every single day, not because of you, but because of Him. For always treating me a Queen! Encouraging The Warrior Princess that I am... <3 Each day we will grow together and that excites me beyond words... I love you!
It is my prayer that you embrace the love that is around you... take a moment and pause and give thanks for the things you do have, instead of focusing on what you "think" you are missing! I bet you are not and YOU are enough... <3
Beautiful Mindi.... I love you!!!