Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Stepping into the unknown...

Oh... the path looks so rugged and hard to walk on... but, oh there is peace and joy on the other side!
Promise! <3

It's why I really believe we must take the road together --- not walk the path alone.  Two are better than one.  Often the other may see a path that is less painful or just a more peaceful path to walk upon in the storm.  If anything at all, there are there with you, helping ease the pain.

I consider it a true honor to be blessed with amazing people within my circle, and even more joyful when it leads to "God" sent gifts outside of my circle.  I choose to believe that everyone is put in our path for a reason, a purpose.  To teach me.  To guide me.  To help me.  To challenge me.  And many to love me beyond what I even deserve.  Today, I am thankful for the rugged path that has led me to so many lovely and loving paths/people... Amen.  #Blessed

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Roots on solid foundation...

Why do I fight the inevitable?

I didn't always plant my roots on a solid foundation... in fact, for the past 35 years, I've made my own way through a slippery slope of crazy.  While at times it was very fun and seemed like a wonderful adventure... it also brought a lot of unnecessary heartache and distress.  As I continue to move towards a path of forgiveness and Love, I find that's not always an easy road.  In fact, most people ignore it, pretend it doesn't exist, booze it down, drown it away with busyness, etc.  Yes, I did for so long.  No more -- no pretending or running away from anything.  I will choose to continue to face all the fears.  With my roots planted firmly on solid ground, I can do anything with Him, who is in me.

When I struggle with choosing obedience (not having control, which I like) I am thankful I have wonderful women there to remind me that I don't have control anyway.  Obedience is learning that Faith takes over and I don't need to be led by fear of the unknown.  <3  It's not easy, but its a better life --- this I know --- this I am learning. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Embracing love...

What a wonderful gift it is when you discover what love truly means. I consider it a blessing to have found that from above, within, and in my best friend... Life partner, loving Husband.

Sadly, there are times I don't always choose a space of love... And I am learning that I do have a choice to make. Do I choose that of love and embrace kindness and long suffering? Or do I throw a tantrum and pout when things don't go my way? When I am hurt - do I let the negative emotion take over? I have to admit that I choose the latter at times and it's disheartening. However, I find there is hope in God alone. I will choose to let Him love me extravagantly. Which simply means he loves me as I am. He is patient. He is kind. He is forgiving. He loves me beyond all my shortcomings. It makes it easier to not beat myself up and learn from my mistakes and missteps.

Amen! <3

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Taking in each moment with purpose...

Everything has its beautiful design and purpose!

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.

Wow!  Some days I need to read this each and every moment of the day... it's in those moments, I need to pause, breath, then move forward.  For the moments, I feel like I am drowning or not in the space of Love... I need to remember I have the ability to control how I choose to react or respond to any given circumstance thrown my way.  (Choice and Circumstance)

So... I am going to slowly but surely share my personal journey.  My journey and desire is to know God and what my purpose is in this World!  So, I am going to challenge myself and ask deep questions to keep me humbled and grow closer to being more like him, and less like my self centered self.  You're welcome to join me on this journey to put Love first...  it won't be perfect, but it will be my best.

"If you could only be remembered for one thing, what would it be?" (Chip Ingram)

I want to be remembered for how I loved with purpose.  Giving the glory only to God and knowing that one day He will make all things right.  Choosing kindness and long-suffering above myself (with healthy boundaries) and a passion to serve others with compassion and empathy.