Saturday, February 9, 2013

Two are better than one...

What better feeling is it to have someone or more than one in your corner/by your side?  The circle of family/friends who won't give up on you, who cheer you on, believe in you, encourage you, and love you, even when you least deserve it.  No greater gift of love, is someone who would lay down their life for a friend.  In return, I must offer the same gift I am given.

When I feel like giving up.... my circle encourages me to keep dreaming.  If I stop dreaming, I stop living.  I will choose to live.

When I feel like the situation is hopeless... my circle reminds me to put my hope in God, and to keep preserving through the stormy times, because that is where growth can occur.  I will choose to cling to hope.

When I feel like the road is too long and the cliffs feel too steep... my circle carries me, holds me, loves me through it.  I choose to keep going forward and looking up to Him.  No need to go backwards.  I take the painful lessons I have endured, and choose to apply them to the road less traveled.  I will choose to encourage others and in that He will sustain and teach me.  I will choose to be teachable. 

When it feels like I am alone... my God is always there.  It is enough for me. I am given what I need at the time I need it. I am blessed in knowing I am never alone.  I know life is unfair, but I choose to accept that.  I will choose to take each moment and bless it.  Giving thanks for the good and the bad moments.  1 Thessalonians 5:18

Most of all I am thankful that my circle of love accepts me as I am.  Challenges me to be a better person. Encourages me to grow at my pace.  I also must apologize and say sorry to hose I have hurt along the way, when choosing to be in a self centered space.  I don't want to do this journey alone, and I am thankful that I have such amazing people in my life.   Thank you for continuing to hold me up and keep me accountable...


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